CfSA News
Next CfSA Conference – Tuesday 20th June
Our next CfSA conference will be taking take place on Tuesday 20th June 2023. The day will start at 10.00am and will take place virtually. The agenda and link to join is being sent out to the contacts for our members. Please get in touch if you don’t receive this.
Next CfSA Conference & AGM– Tuesday 21st March
Our next CfSA conference will be taking take place on Tuesday 21st March 2023. The day will start at 9.45am when we will have our AGM which will then lead onto the rest of the conference. The agenda and link to join is being sent out to the contacts for
Directory – 2nd Edition Launch
The much anticipated 2nd edition of the CfSA directory has now been launched. The CfSA Directory We want to say a big thank you to everyone who helped contribute to the new directory. Together we continue to provide subject expertise, research informed advice and resources in curriculum, pedagogy, teacher
Next CfSA Conference – Tuesday 13th September
The next CfSA conference will take place next week, Tuesday 13th September 2022. The conference will start at 10.00am and will take place virtually. Details to join have been emailed out, please get in contact if you need the link to join. Attending the conference will be: Tom Rose |
Next CfSA Conference – Tuesday 14th June
The next CfSA conference will take place on Tuesday 14th June 2022. The conference will take place virtually with full timings of the day just being finalised but will be similar to our previous conferences. At our conference we will have guest speakers including Mary Myatt, who will be giving
CfSA response to Government White Paper
Opportunity for All Last week the government published a White Paper for schools, entitled ‘Opportunity for All’. The Council for Subject Associations (CfSA) welcomes its focus on teacher training and ongoing professional development at the different stages of teachers’ careers, including the strengthening of teacher knowledge. CfSA wants subject-specific learning