CfSA News

CfSA Members Conference | Tuesday 14th September

The details have been finalised for the next CfSA conference on Tuesday 14th September. The conference titled  ‘What is normal anyway? The future of education’ will run between 10.30am and 3.30pm and the agenda for the day can be found below. The conference will be run digitally, and please do

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Next CfSA Conference – Tuesday 14th September

The next CfSA conference will take place on Tuesday 14th September 2021. We have titled this conference ‘What is normal anyway? The future of education’. This conference will be held virtually, and more details, including the link to join and the agenda will be sent out at a later date.

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Raising concerns with Government

Below is a letter sent to the Secretary of State for Education, Gavin Wiliamson on 20th September 2020 regarding the concerns of the CfSA members and the help the CfSA is offering. The response from the DfE and from Minister of State for School Standards, Nick Gibb, can be found

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Chairs Report for the CfSA AGM 23rd March 2021

It has been a very different and busy year. A year ago, all Subjects Associations stepped up magnificently to provide resources to help teachers and pupils with homeworking and the CfSA created a landing page to make access to all these simple, which was shared with government and other organisations

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Launch of the Early Career Hub online resource for trainee teachers

The partnership of The Chartered College of Teaching (CCoT), The Council for Subject Associations (CfSA), The National Association of School Based Teacher Training (NASBTT), The Teaching Schools Council (TSC) and The Universities Council for Teacher Education (UCET is committed to supporting early career teachers to make the strongest start to

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