CfSA News

Government Consultation response to Strengthening Qualified Teacher Status

Dear Rt Hon Damian Hinds RE: Government Consultation response to Strengthening Qualified Teacher Status The Council for Subject Associations welcomes the Government consultation response to Strengthening Qualified Teacher Status and improving career progression for teachers, 4th May 2018. We are pleased about the recognition of the importance of supporting teachers,

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Response to Consultation on Implementing the EBacc

The government is consulting on proposals to implement the EBacc manifesto commitment. This consultation gives the teaching profession and others with an interest in education the opportunity to help shape policy. Information provided in response to this consultation, including personal information, may be subject to publication or disclosure in accordance with

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Guardianship of subjects in 2016

Annette Smith – Chair, Council for Subject Associations Wednesday 21 September 2016   I very much welcome the revival of the British Curriculum Forum and was delighted to attend the recent conference “Investigating Knowledge and the Curriculum”. My reason for attending is that I Chair the Council for Subject Associations

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