The Technology, Pedagogy & Education Association (TPEA)
The Technology, Pedagogy & Education Association (TPEA)
TPEA is a national subject association and community of practice that combines two well-established organisations: The Association for Information Technology in Teacher Education (ITTE) and MirandaNet. They have been working together for the last 33 years. The aim of the organisation is to support and represent the views of those involved in training pre-service and in-service teachers. It has a specific focus on improving teaching and learning through the application of digital technologies across all subjects and through the effective teaching of computing as a subject. All of our activities are underpinned by research-informed practice. Our concerns include: the pedagogical application of digital technology by all teachers; developing the teaching of computing and digital capability; and the effective use of digital technology in learning and teaching. We are an independent organisation, with our own internationally recognised journal: Technology, Pedagogy and Education. Through our friendly and nurturing community, we encourage and support collaboration between organisations and individuals in developing robust evidence based practice. We support the dissemination of the results of these activities nationally and internationally through conferences, journals, online publications, books and social media.
Who does TPEA support?
We support researchers and professionals (teachers, teachers in training, school leaders, academics, advisors, consultants) from across the education sector and EdTech companies interested in research.
Why join TPEA?
- A highly supportive, knowledgeable and expert community.
- Opportunities to engage in research and projects at a national level.
- A strong credible community of practice which has engaged with governments, ministers, OfSTED and EdTech companies for well over thirty years.
- Political lobbying on behalf of the subject.
- Resources, guidance, events and networking opportunities
A range of membership packages is available.
- Join TPEA as a member free of charge.
- Members Plus+ at £50 for individuals and £80 for institutions per year
Membership includes
- Special discounts to TPEA events.
- Access to our research hub, resources & networks and opportunities to engage in research and projects at a national level.
- A print copy of the TPE Journal.
- Opportunities to access awards, grants and fellowship funding.
- Regular TPEA communication.