Next CfSA Full Members Conference – Wednesday 19th June 2024

Next CfSA Full Members Conference – Wednesday 19th June 2024

Our next CfSA full members conference will be taking take place on Wednesday 19th June 2024, and this will take place virtually.

We will be joined at the conference by:

  • Steve Rollett – Deputy Chief Executive of the Confederation of School Trusts (CST)
  • Dr Alison Kitson – Associate Professor of Education, UCL Institute of Education
  • Ged Gast – Past President of NSEAD, artist, consultant and Inspector & Andy Ash – Associate Professor, UCL Institute of Education, President Elect of NSEAD, artist, teacher, researcher

As always you are welcome to send anyone from your association to our conference, especially if they have a particular interest in one of our speakers. They can join at any time so don’t have to stay for the whole day. We look forward to seeing you.

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Is your association a membership organisation for subject specialists with a major focus on the teaching of your subject in schools, colleges, and other educational settings? All subject associations are helping to raise educational standards by providing affordable, relevant, high quality professional development.

You could benefit from membership to the CfSA. Get in contact if your to find out more.

CfSA members benefit from:
– collaboration and partnership with the CfSA and its members
– dedicated page on the CfSA website and directory
– invitation to CfSA conferences and events